import os
import re
import cv2
import json
import tqdm
import torch
import shutil
import warnings
import unidecode
import collections
import numpy as np
STANDARD_LANDMARKS_5 = np.float32([
[0.31556875000000000, 0.4615741071428571],
[0.68262291666666670, 0.4615741071428571],
[0.50026249999999990, 0.6405053571428571],
[0.34947187500000004, 0.8246919642857142],
[0.65343645833333330, 0.8246919642857142],
[docs]def parse_landmarks_file(
file_path: str,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Parses landmarks file.
Reads the file containing landmark coordinates and corresponding
image file names and generates a numpy array of those names and a
corresponding numpy array of those sets of landmarks.
The files are expected to be formatted as follows:
* `.json`::
"image_1.jpg": [23, 45, 64, 47, ...],
"image_2.jpg": [17, 32, 30, 29, ...],
* `.csv`::
* `.txt` and other::
image_1.jpg 23 45 64 47 ...
image_2.jpg 17 32 30 29 ...
The number of landmarks does not matter, all will be
transformed to shape (-1, 2), where -1 stands for the number of
facial points (landmark coordinates), e.g., 5, 68 etc.
file_path: The path to the landmarks file.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that go into
:func:`numpy.genfromtxt`. Please do not specify *dtype* and
*usecols* arguments as they are already specified.
A tuple where the first element is the parsed landmarks batch as
a numpy array of shape (N, ``num_landm``, 2) of type
:attr:`numpy.float32` and the second element is a corresponding
batch of image file names of shape (N,) of type
if file_path.endswith(".json"):
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
# Read and parse
data = json.load(f)
filenames = np.array(data.keys())
landmarks = np.array(data.values())
if file_path.endswith(".csv"):
# Set default params for csv files
kwargs.setdefault("delimiter", ',')
kwargs.setdefault("skip_header", 1)
# Use the first column for filenames, the rest for landmarks
filenames = np.genfromtxt(file_path, usecols=0, dtype=str, **kwargs)
landmarks = np.genfromtxt(file_path, dtype=np.float32, **kwargs)[:, 1:]
return landmarks.reshape(len(landmarks), -1, 2), filenames
[docs]def get_landmark_slices_5(num_landmarks: int) -> list[slice]:
"""Gets the landmarks slices that show where the 5 landmarks are.
Generates slices of which coordinates to select in a larger set of
landmarks (e.g., 12, 68, 106) to represent the coordinates of
5-points landmarks set. The slice of indices can be used to select
multiple coordinates and average them to a single point.
num_landmarks: The number of landmarks in the larger set.
ValueError: If the number of landmarks in the larger set is
not supported.
A list of slices where each slice indicates the indices of
coordinates to select from the larger set of landmarks to
represent a 5-point landmarks set.
match num_landmarks:
case 5:
indices = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
case 12:
indices = [(10, 11), (11, 12), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
case 17:
indices = [(2, 5), (7, 10), (10, 11), (13, 14), (16, 17)]
case 21:
indices = [(6, 9), (9, 12), (14, 15), (17, 18), (19, 20)]
case 29:
indices = [(4, 9), (13, 18), (19, 20), (22, 23), (27, 28)]
case 49: # same as 51
indices = [(19, 25), (25, 31), (13, 14), (31, 32), (37, 38)]
case 68:
indices = [(36, 42), (42, 48), (30, 31), (48, 49), (54, 55)]
case 98:
indices = [(60, 68), (68, 76), (54, 55), (76, 77), (82, 83)]
case 106:
indices = [(66, 75), (75, 84), (54, 55), (85, 86), (91, 92)]
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid number of landmarks: {num_landmarks}")
return [slice(*x) for x in indices]
[docs]def get_ldm_slices(
num_tgt_landmarks: int,
num_src_landmarks: int,
) -> list[slice]:
"""Generates a list of slices that form a reduced landmarks set.
Takes the number of target landmarks and the number of source
landmarks and generates slices that show which coordinates to select
from a larger landmarks set (that should be averaged) to form a
reduced landmarks set that has the same number of landmarks as the
target landmarks set.
num_tgt_landmarks: The number of reduced landmarks to generate
slices for.
num_src_landmarks: The number of actual landmarks that is larger
or equal to the number of target landmarks. Based on this
number, generated slices will contain different indices.
ValueError: If the number of target landmarks is not supported.
A list of slices where each slice indicates the indices of
coordinates to select from the larger set of landmarks to
represent a reduced (like target) landmarks set.
match num_tgt_landmarks:
case 5:
slices = get_landmark_slices_5(num_src_landmarks)
case _:
raise ValueError(f"The number of target (standard) landmarks is "
f"not supported {num_tgt_landmarks}")
return slices
[docs]def as_numpy(
img: torch.Tensor | np.ndarray | list[torch.Tensor] | list[np.ndarray],
) -> np.ndarray | list[np.ndarray]:
"""Converts batch of images to numpy type.
Converts a batch of images to numpy type. UINT8 type and channel
dimension is last. If the batch of images is already of numpy type,
it is simply returned.
img: The image batch represented as a torch tensor of shape
(N, 3, H, W) or a list of torch tensors of different
spatial sizes.
A batch of images represented as a numpy array of shape
(N, H, W, 3) of type :attr:`numpy.uint8` or a list of numpy
arrays of different spatial sizes.
if isinstance(img[0], np.ndarray):
return img
elif isinstance(img, list):
img = [x.permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) for x in img]
img = img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
return img
[docs]def as_tensor(
img: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor | list[np.ndarray] | list[torch.Tensor],
device: str | torch.device = "cpu",
) -> torch.Tensor | list[torch.Tensor]:
"""Converts batch of images to torch tensor type.
Converts a batch of images to torch tensor type. Float 32 type and
channel dimension is before spatial dimension. If the batch of
images is already of torch tensor type, it is simply returned.
img: The image batch represented as a numpy array of shape
(N, H, W, 3) or a list of numpy arrays of different
spatial sizes.
device: The device on which to return the torch tensor.
A batch of images represented as a torch tensor of shape
(N, 3, H, W) of type :attr:`torch.float32` or a list of torch
tensors of different spatial sizes.
if isinstance(img[0], torch.Tensor):
return img
elif isinstance(img, list):
img = [torch.from_numpy(x).permute(2, 0, 1).float().to(device) for x in img]
img = torch.from_numpy(img).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float().to(device)
return img
[docs]def read_images(
file_names: list[str],
input_dir: str,
) -> tuple[list[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]:
"""Reads images from the specified paths.
Takes a list of file names and an input directory and loads the
specified images from it. If an image could not be loaded, a warning
is raised.
file_names: The list of image file names.
input_dir (str): The input directory with the images.
A tuple where the first element is a list of length N (number of
loaded images) where each element is an RGB image represented as
a numpy array of type :attr:`numpy.uint8` of shape (H, W, 3)
(note that H and W for each image can be different) and the
second element is a numpy array of type :class:`numpy.str_` of
shape (N,) representing the list of file names that correspond
to each image. The second element is just a numpy form of
``file_names`` but it can have a lower length, in case some
images were not read successfully.
# Init index and img list
indices, images = [], []
for i, file_name in enumerate(file_names):
# Generate full path to the input image
path = os.path.join(input_dir, file_name)
# Read the image from the given path, convert to RGB form
image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(path), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
except cv2.error as e:
warnings.warn(f"Could not read the image {path}")
# Add image and index
return images, np.array(file_names)[indices]
[docs]def as_batch(
images: list[np.ndarray],
size: int | tuple[int, int] = 512,
padding_mode: str = "constant",
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Creates image batch from a list of image paths.
For every image in the given list, the image is resized to not
exceed either of the dimensions specified in ``size`` while keeping
the same aspect ratio and the shorter dimension is padded to fully
match the specified size. All the images are stacked and returned as
a batch. Variables required to transform the images back to the
original ones (padding and scale) are also returned as a batch.
If some loaded image dimension is (1280×720) and the desired
output ``size`` is specified as *(512, 256)*, then the image is
first be resized to *(455, 256)* and then the width is padded
from both sides. The final image size is *(512, 256)*.
images: The list of paths to images.
padding_mode: The type of padding to apply to pad the shorter
dimension. For the available options, see
`OpenCV BorderTypes <>`_.
It can be all lowercase. Defaults to "constant".
size: The width and the height each image should be resized +
padded to. I.e., the spacial dimensions of the batch. If
a single number is specified then it is the same for width
height. Defaults to 512.
A tuple of stacked numpy arrays representing 3 batches - resized
+ padded images of shape (N, H, W, 3) of type
:attr:`numpy.uint8` with values from 0 to 255, un-scale factors
of shape (N,) of type :attr:`numpy.float32`, and applied
paddings of shape (N, 4) of type :attr:`numpy.int64` with
values >= 0.
# Init lists, resize dims, border type
img_batch, unscales, paddings = [], [], []
size = (size, size) if isinstance(size, int) else size
border_type = getattr(cv2, f"BORDER_{padding_mode.upper()}")
for image in images:
# Get width, height, padding & check interpolation
(h, w), m = image.shape[:2], max(*image.shape[:2])
interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA if m > max(size) else cv2.INTER_CUBIC
if (ratio_w := size[0] / w) < (ratio_h := size[1] / h):
# Based on width
unscale = ratio_w
(ww,hh) = size[0], int(h * ratio_w)
padding = [(size[1] - hh) // 2, (size[1] - hh + 1) // 2, 0, 0]
# Based on height
unscale = ratio_h
(ww,hh) = int(w * ratio_h), size[1]
padding = [0, 0, (size[0] - ww) // 2, (size[0] - ww + 1) // 2]
# Pad the lower dimension with specific border type, then resize
image = cv2.resize(image, (ww, hh), interpolation=interpolation)
image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, *padding, borderType=border_type)
# Append to lists
return np.stack(img_batch), np.stack(unscales), np.stack(paddings)
[docs]def clean_names(
input_dir: str,
output_dir: str | None = None,
max_chars: int = 250,
exclude: set = set("\00!@#$%^&*?={}:;'<>,.?/\\|" + '"'),
desc: str | None = "Cleaning file names",
"""Cleans the names of the files in the given directory.
Converts all names of the files to os-compatible. In other words,
each file is copied to a new directory with a clean name or is
renamed in-place.
Here is a list of fixes applied to the **names** of the files:
* Converts non-ascii symbols to ascii, e.g., "北亰" to
"Bei Jing", "České" to "Ceske" etc.
* Removes os-reserved characters, e.g., in Windows, that would
be '?', ':', '/' etc.
* Truncates the file name such that the overall path length
would not exceed ``max_chars``. For instance, in Windows,
there is a limit of _256_ characters per path.
* Appends suffixes to file names, such that, after the above
mentioned changes, no file has the same name (counters are
appended to duplicate names). This also deals with cases
issue - for instance, in windows, same file names, even with
different cases, cannot exist.
input_dir: The input directory of files to process. Note that
the directory should only contain files.
output_dir: The output directory to save the copies of the
renamed files to. If not specified, the files are renamed
in-place, i.e., inside ``input_dir``. Defaults to None.
max_chars: The maximum number of characters per *file path*
(not file name). File paths longer than that will be
truncated to ``max_chars``. However, note that if duplicates
are detected, then suffixes will be added and file paths for
them could be longer by 2 or more characters. This should
not be an issue if there are only a few duplicates and if
``max_chars`` is not directly set to the limit, e.g., in
Windows the ultimate path length limit is 256. Defaults to
exclude: The set of characters to exclude from the file name,
but not the extension. Note that this includes a dot '.' to
only keep a single dot for the file extension. Defaults to
{"\\00!@#$%^&*?={}:;'<>,.?/\\\\|" + '"'}.
desc: The description to use for the progress bar. If specified
as ``None``, no progress bar is shown. Defaults to
"Cleaning file names".
RuntimeError: If the length of the path to the directory is too
long and near ``max_chars`` limit.
# Update max_chars for names
max_chars -= len(input_dir)
filename_counts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: -1)
if max_chars <= 5:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Directory path length is too long ({len(input_dir)}) Either "
f"reduce the length of the directory name or increase `max_chars`."
if output_dir is not None:
# Create output dir of renamed files
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Get the list of filenames in dir
filenames = os.listdir(input_dir)
if desc is not None:
# Wrap a progress bar around filenames
filenames = tqdm.tqdm(filenames, desc=desc)
for filename in filenames:
# Split to base-name and extension
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if not name.isascii():
# Convert to to proper unicode
name = unidecode.unidecode(name)
if len(sub := set(name) & exclude) > 0:
# Remove non-supported characters
name = re.sub(f"[{''.join(sub)}]", '', name)
if len(filename) > max_chars:
# Truncate base-name to max chars
name = name[:max_chars - len(ext)]
# Increment count for the current filename
filename_counts[(name + ext).lower()] += 1
while (count := filename_counts[(name + ext).lower()]) > 0:
# Add name suffix
name += f"-{count}"
filename_counts[(name + ext).lower()] += 1
if output_dir is not None:
# Copy file with fixed name to out dir
src = os.path.join(input_dir, filename)
tgt = os.path.join(output_dir, name + ext)
shutil.copy(src, tgt)
elif name + ext != filename:
# Rename the file with a fixed name
src = os.path.join(input_dir, filename)
tgt = os.path.join(input_dir, name + ext)
os.rename(src, tgt)