
Usage via Command Line

The simplest way to run the program is to just specify the input directory with images:

face-crop-plus --input-dir path/to/images

Most likely, you will want to change processing behavior, such as output size, face factor, and device:

face-crop-plus -i path/to/images --output-size 200 300 --face-factor 0.75 -d cuda:0

You can also specify the command-line arguments via JSON config file and provide the path to it. Further command-line arguments would overwrite the values taken from the JSON file.

face-crop-plus --config path/to/json --attr-groups '{"glasses": [6]}'

An example JSON config file is provided here. If you’ve cloned the repository, you can run from it:

face-crop-plus --config demo/demo.json --device cuda:0 # overwrite device

For a full list of arguments, see Command Line Options or just type:

face-crop-plus -h


You can use fcp as face-crop-plus alias , e.g., fcp -c config.json

Usage via Python Script

To use the package in your own python script, simply import Cropper class, initialize it and run process_dir method:

from face_crop_plus import Cropper

cropper = Cropper(face_factor=0.7, strategy="largest")

For a quick demo, you can experiment with demo.py file:

git clone https://github.com/mantasu/face-crop-plus
cd face-crop-plus/demo
python demo.py

Cleaning File Names

If your image file names contain non-ascii symbols, lengthy names, os-reserved characters, it may be better to standardize them. To do so, it is possible to rename the image files before processing them:

face-crop-plus -i path/to/images --clean-names # --clean-names-inplace (avoids temp dir)

It is possible to specify more arguments via python script. The function can be used in general with any file types. For more details, check clean_names().

from face_crop_plus.utils import clean_names

    output_dir=None, # will rename in-place

Pure Enhancement/Parsing

If you already have aligned and center-cropped face images, you can perform quality enhancement and face parsing without re-cropping them. Here is an example of enhancing quality of every face and parsing them to (note that none of the parameters described in Alignment and Cropping section have any affect here):

from face_crop_plus import Cropper

cropper = Cropper(
    enh_threshold=1, # enhance every image
    attr_groups={"hats": [18], "no_hats": [-18]},
    mask_groups={"hats": [18], "ears": [7, 8, 9]},


This would result in the following output directory structure:

└── path/to/images_faces
    ├── hats
    |    ├── hats       # Images with hats
    |    ├── hats_mask  # Hat masks for images in upper dir
    |    ├── ears       # Images with hats and visible ears
    |    └── ears_mask  # Ears masks for images in upper dir
    └── no_hats
        ├── ears       # Masks with no hats and visible ears
        └── ears_mask  # Ears masks for images in upper dir

To just enhance the quality of images (e.g., if you have blurry photos), you can run enhancement feature separately:

face-crop-plus -i path/to/images -dt -1 -et 1 --device cuda:0

To just generate masks for images (e.g., as part of your research pipeline), you can run segmentation feature separately. This will only consider images for which the masks are actually present.

face-crop-plus -i path/to/images -dt -1 -et -1 -mg '{"glasses": [6]}'

Please beware of the following:

  • While you can perform quality enhancement on images of different sizes (because, due to large amount of computations, images are processed one by one), you cannot perform face parsing (attribute-based grouping/segmentation) if images have different dimensions (though a possible work around is to set the batch size to 1).

  • It is not advised to perform quality enhancement after cropping the images since there is not enough information for the model on how to improve the quality. If you still need to enhance the quality after cropping, using larger image sizes, e.g., 512×512, may help. Regardless whether you use it before or after cropping, do not use input images of spatial size over 2000×2000, unless you have a powerful GPU.

Preprocessing CelebA

Here is an example pipeline of how to pre-process CelebA dataset. It is useful if you want to customize the cropped face properties, e.g., face factor, output size. It only takes a few minutes to pre-process the whole dataset using multiple processors and the provided landmarks:

  1. Download the following files from Google Drive:

  2. Unzip the data:

    >>> 7z x data/img_celeba.7z/img_celeba.7z.001 -o./data
    >>> unzip data/annotations.zip -d data
  3. Create a script file, e.g., preprocess_celeba.py, in the same directory:

    from face_crop_plus import Cropper
    from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    cropper = Cropper(
  4. Run the script to pre-process the data:

    >>> python preprocess_celeba.py
  5. Clean up the data dir (remove the original images and the annotations):

    >>> rm -r data/img_celeba.7z data/img_celeba
    >>> rm data/annotations.zip data/*.txt