import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.models as models
import torchvision.models._utils as _utils
from ._layers import LoadMixin, PriorBox, SSH, FPN, Head
[docs]class RetinaFace(nn.Module, LoadMixin):
"""RetinaFace face detector and 5-point landmark predictor.
This class is capable of predicting 5-point landmarks from a batch
of images and filter them based on strategy, e.g., "all landmarks in
the image", "a single set of landmarks per image of the largest
face". For more information, see the main method of this class
:meth:`predict`. For main attributes, see :meth:`__init__`.
This class also inherits ``load`` method from ``LoadMixin`` class.
The method takes a device on which to load the model and loads the
model with a default state dictionary loaded from
``WEIGHTS_FILENAME`` file. It sets this model to eval mode and
disables gradients.
For more information on how RetinaFace model works, see this repo:
`PyTorch Retina Face <>`_.
Most of the code was taken from that repository.
Whenever an input shape is mentioned, N corresponds to batch
size, C corresponds to the number of channels, H - to input
height, and W - to input width. ``out_dim`` corresponds to the
total guesses (the number of priors) the model made about each
sample. Within those guesses, there typically exists at least 1
face but can be more. By default, it should be 43,008.
Be default, this class initializes the following attributes which
can be changed after initialization of the class (but, typically,
should not be changed):
nms_threshold (float): The threshold, based on which
multiple bounding box or landmark predictions for the same
face are merged into one. Defaults to 0.4.
variance (list[int]): The variance of the bounding boxes
used to undo the encoding of coordinates of raw bounding
box and landmark predictions.
#: WEIGHTS_FILENAME (str): The constant specifying the name of
#: ``.pth`` file from which the weights for this model should be
#: loaded. Defaults to "retinaface_detector.pth".
WEIGHTS_FILENAME = "retinaface_detector.pth"
[docs] def __init__(self, strategy: str = "all", vis: float = 0.6):
"""Initializes RetinaFace model.
This method initializes ResNet-50 backbone and further
layers required for face detection and bbox/landm predictions.
strategy: The strategy used to retrieve the landmarks when
:meth:`predict` is called. The available options are:
* "all" - landmarks for all faces per single image
(single batch entry) will be considered.
* "best" - landmarks for a single face with the
highest confidence score per image will be
* "largest" - landmarks for a single largest face
per image will be considered.
The most efficient option is 'best' and the least
efficient is "largest". Defaults to "all".
vis: The visual threshold, i.e., minimum confidence score,
for a face to be considered an actual face. Lower
scores will allow the detection of more faces per image
but can result in non-actual faces, e.g., random
surfaces somewhat representing faces. Higher scores will
prevent detecting faulty faces but may result in only a
few faces detected, whereas there can be more, e.g.,
higher will prevent the detection of blurry faces.
Defaults to 0.6.
# Initialize attributes
self.strategy = strategy
self.vis_threshold = vis
self.nms_threshold = 0.4
self.variance = [0.1, 0.2]
# Set up backbone and config
backbone = models.resnet50()
in_channels, out_channels = 256, 256
in_channels_list = [in_channels * x for x in [2, 4, 8]]
return_layers = {'layer2': 1, 'layer3': 2, 'layer4': 3}
# Construct the backbone by retrieving intermediate layers
self.body = _utils.IntermediateLayerGetter(backbone, return_layers)
# Construct sub-layers to extract features for heads
self.fpn = FPN(in_channels_list, out_channels)
self.ssh1 = SSH(out_channels, out_channels)
self.ssh2 = SSH(out_channels, out_channels)
self.ssh3 = SSH(out_channels, out_channels)
# Construct 3 heads - score, bboxes & landms
self.ClassHead = Head.make(2, out_channels)
self.BboxHead = Head.make(4, out_channels)
self.LandmarkHead = Head.make(10, out_channels)
[docs] def forward(
x: torch.Tensor,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Performs forward pass.
Takes an input batch and performs inference based on the modules
it has. Returns an unfiltered tuple of scores, bounding boxes
and landmarks for all the possible detected faces. The
predictions are encoded to comfortably compute the loss during
training and thus should be decoded to coordinates.
x: The input tensor of shape (N, 3, H, W).
A tuple of torch tensors where the first element is
confidence scores for each prediction of shape
(N, out_dim, 2) with values between 0 and 1 representing
probabilities, the second element is bounding boxes of shape
(N, out_dim, 4) with unbounded values and the last element
is landmarks of shape (N, ``out_dim``, 10) with unbounded
# Extract FPN + SSH features
fpn = self.fpn(self.body(x))
fts = [self.ssh1(fpn[0]), self.ssh2(fpn[1]), self.ssh3(fpn[2])]
# Create head list and use each to process feature list
hs = [self.ClassHead, self.BboxHead, self.LandmarkHead]
pred = [[h[i](f) for i, f in enumerate(fts)], 1) for h in hs]
return F.softmax(pred[0], dim=-1), pred[1], pred[2]
[docs] def decode_bboxes(
loc: torch.Tensor,
priors: torch.Tensor,
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Decodes bounding boxes from predictions.
Takes the predicted bounding boxes (locations) and undoes the
encoding for offset regression used at training time.
loc: Bounding box (location) predictions for loc layers of
shape (N, out_dim, 4).
priors: Prior boxes in center-offset form of shape
(out_dim, 4).
A tensor of shape (N, out_dim, 4) representing decoded
bounding box predictions where the last dim can be
interpreted as x1, y1, x2, y2 coordinates - the start and
the end corners defining the face box.
# Concatenate priors
boxes =
priors[:, :2] + loc[..., :2] * self.variance[0] * priors[:, 2:],
priors[:, 2:] * torch.exp(loc[..., 2:] * self.variance[1])
), 2)
# Adjust values for proper xy coords
boxes[..., :2] -= boxes[..., 2:] / 2
boxes[..., 2:] += boxes[..., :2]
return boxes
[docs] def decode_landms(
pre: torch.Tensor,
priors: torch.Tensor,
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Decodes landmarks from predictions.
Takes the predicted landmarks (pre) and undoes the encoding for
offset regression used at training time.
pre: Landmark predictions for loc layers of shape
(N, out_dim, 10).
priors: Prior boxes in center-offset form of shape
(out_dim, 4).
A tensor of shape (N, out_dim, 10) representing decoded
landmark predictions where the last dim can be
interpreted as x1, y1, ..., x10, y10 coordinates - one for
each of the 5 landmarks.
# Concatenate priors
var = self.variance
landms =
priors[..., :2] + pre[..., :2] * var[0] * priors[..., 2:],
priors[..., :2] + pre[..., 2:4] * var[0] * priors[..., 2:],
priors[..., :2] + pre[..., 4:6] * var[0] * priors[..., 2:],
priors[..., :2] + pre[..., 6:8] * var[0] * priors[..., 2:],
priors[..., :2] + pre[..., 8:10] * var[0] * priors[..., 2:],
), dim=2)
return landms
[docs] def filter_preds(
scores: torch.Tensor,
bboxes: torch.Tensor,
landms: torch.Tensor,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, list[int]]:
"""Filters predictions for identified faces for each sample.
This method works as follows:
1. First, it filters out bad predictions based on
2. Then it gathers all the remaining predictions across the
batch dimension, i.e., the batch dimension becomes not
the number of samples but the number of filtered out
3. It loops for each set of filtered predictions per sample
sorting each set of confidence scores from best to worst.
4. For each set of confidence scores, it identifies distinct
faces and keeps the record of which indices to keep. At
this stage it uses ``self.nms_threshold`` to remove the
duplicate face predictions.
5. Finally, it applies the kept indices for each person
(each face) to select corresponding bounding boxes and
scores: The confidence score predictions of shape
(N, out_dim).
bboxes: The bounding boxes for each face of shape
(N, out_dim, 4) where the last 4 numbers correspond to
start and end coordinates - x1, y1, x2, y2.
landms: The landmarks for each face of shape
(N, out_dim, num_landmarks * 2) where the last dim
corresponds to landmark coordinates x1, y1, ... . By
default, num_landmarks is 5.
A tuple where the first element is a torch tensor of shape
(``num_faces``, 4), the second element is a torch tensor of
shape (``num_faces``, ``num_landmarks`` * 2) and the third
element is a list of length ``num_faces``. First and second
elements correspond to bounding boxes and landmarks for each
face across all samples and the third element provides an
index for each bounding box/set of landmarks that identifies
which sample that box/set (or that face) is extracted from
(because each sample can have multiple faces).
# Init variables, identify masks to filter best faces
cumsum, people_indices, sample_indices = 0, [], []
masks = scores > self.vis_threshold
# Flatten across batch filtered predictions, compute face areas
scores, bboxes, landms = scores[masks], bboxes[masks], landms[masks]
areas = (bboxes[:, 2]-bboxes[:, 0]+1) * (bboxes[:, 3]-bboxes[:, 1]+1)
for i, num_valid in enumerate(masks.sum(dim=1)):
# Extract all face preds for a single sample
start, end, keep = cumsum, cumsum+num_valid, []
bbox, area = bboxes[start:end], areas[start:end]
scores_sorted = scores[start:end].argsort(descending=True)
while scores_sorted.numel() > 0:
# Append best face's index to keep
keep.append(j := scores_sorted[0])
# Find coordinates that at least bound the current face
xy1 = torch.maximum(bbox[j, :2], bbox[scores_sorted[1:], :2])
xy2 = torch.minimum(bbox[j, 2:], bbox[scores_sorted[1:], 2:])
# Compute width and height for the current minimal face
w = torch.maximum(torch.tensor(0.0), xy2[:, 0] - xy1[:, 0] + 1)
h = torch.maximum(torch.tensor(0.0), xy2[:, 1] - xy1[:, 1] + 1)
# Compute nms for identifying areas for the current face
ovr = (a := w * h) / (area[j] + area[scores_sorted[1:]] - a)
# Filter out current face, keep next best scores
inds = torch.where(ovr <= self.nms_threshold)[0]
scores_sorted = scores_sorted[inds + 1]
# Update people and sample indices, increment cumsum
people_indices.extend([cumsum + k for k in keep])
sample_indices.extend([i] * len(keep))
cumsum += num_valid
# Select the final landms and bboxes
bboxes = bboxes[people_indices, :]
landms = landms[people_indices, :]
return landms, bboxes, sample_indices
[docs] def take_by_strategy(
landms: torch.Tensor,
bboxes: torch.Tensor,
idx: list[int],
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, list[int]]:
"""Filters landmarks according to strategy.
This method takes a batch of landmarks and bounding boxes (one
for each face) filters only specific landmarks by a specific
strategy. Here are the following cases of strategy:
* "all" - effectively, nothing is done and simply the
already passed values `landms` and `idx` are returned
without any changes.
* "best" - the very first set of landmarks for each image
image is returned (the first set is the best set because
the landmarks were sorted when duplicates were filtered
out in :meth:`filter_preds`). This means
the returned indices list is unique, e.g., goes from
``[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3]`` to ``[0, 1, 2, 3]``.
* "largest" - similar to 'best', except that this strategy
requires performing additional computation to find out the
largest face based on the area of bounding boxes. Thus the
length of the `idx` list (which is equal to the number of
sets of landmarks) is the same as for 'best' strategy,
except not the first (best) faces (actually, their
landmarks) for each image but selected faces are returned.
Strategy "best" is most memory efficient, strategy "largest"
is least time efficient. Strategy "all" is as fast as "best"
but takes up more space.
landms: Landmarks batch of shape
(``num_faces``, ``num_landm`` * 2).
bboxes: Bounding boxes batch of shape (``num_faces``, 4).
idx: Indices where each index maps to an image from
which some face prediction (landmarks and bounding box)
was retrieved. For instance if the 2nd element of idx is
1, that means that the 2nd element of ``landms`` and the
2nd element of ``bboxes`` correspond to the 1st image.
This list is ascending, meaning the elements are
grouped and increase, for example, the list may look
like this: ``[0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]``.
ValueError: If the strategy is not supported.
A tuple where the first element is torch tensor of shape
(``num_faces``, ``num_landm`` * 2) representing the selected
sets of landmarks and the second element is a list of
indices where each index maps a corresponding set of
landmarks (face) to an image identified by that index.
if len(idx) == 0:
# If no predicted landmarks, return empty lists
return torch.tensor([], device=landms.device), []
# Init helper variables
landmarks, indices = [], []
cache = {"idx": [], "bboxes": [], "landms": []}
for i in range(len(idx)):
# Apend everything to cache
if i != len(idx) - 1 and cache["idx"][-1] == idx[i + 1]:
# No operations until cache for current idx is full
match self.strategy:
case "all":
# Append all landmarks and indices
case "best":
# Append the first set of landmarks
case "largest":
# Compute bounding box areas
bbs = torch.stack(cache["bboxes"])
areas = (bbs[:, 2] - bbs[:, 0] + 1) *\
(bbs[:, 3] - bbs[:, 1] + 1)
# Append only the largest face landmarks and its idx
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported startegy: {self.strategy}")
# Clear cache (reinitialize empty lists)
cache = {k: [] for k in cache.keys()}
# Stack landmarks across batch dim
landmarks = torch.stack(landmarks)
return landmarks, indices
[docs] @torch.no_grad()
def predict(self, images: torch.Tensor) -> tuple[np.ndarray, list[int]]:
"""Predict the sets of landmarks from the image batch.
This method takes a batch of images, detect all visible faces,
predicts bounding boxes and landmarks for each face and then
filters those faces according to a specific strategy - see
:meth:`take_by_strategy` for more info. Finally, it returns
those selected sets of landmarks and corresponding indices that
map each set to a specific image where the face was originally
The predicted sets of landmarks are 5-point coordinates (they
are specified from an observer's viewpoint, meaning that, for
instance, left eye is the eye on the left hand-side of the image
rather than the left eye from the person's to whom the eye
belongs perspective):
1. **(x1, y1)** - coordinate of the left eye
2. **(x2, y2)** - coordinate of the right eye
3. **(x3, y3)** - coordinate of the nose tip
4. **(x4, y4)** - coordinate of the left mouth corner
5. **(x5, y5)** - coordinate of the right mouth corner
The coordinates are with respect to the sizes of the images
(typically padded) provided as an input to this method.
images: Image batch of shape (N, 3, H, W) in RGB form with
float values from 0.0 to 255.0. It must be on the same
device as this model.
A tuple where the first element is a numpy array of shape
(``num_faces``, 5, 2) representing the selected sets of
landmark coordinates and the second element is a list of
corresponding indices mapping each face to an image it comes
# Convert images to appropriate input and perform inference
x, offset = images[:, [2, 1, 0]], torch.tensor([104, 117, 123])
scores, bboxes, landms = self(x - offset.view(3, 1, 1).to(x.device))
# Create prior boxes and scale factors to decode bboxes & landms
priors = PriorBox((x.size(2), x.size(3))).forward().to(x.device)
scale_b = torch.tensor([x.size(3), x.size(2)] * 2, device=x.device)
scale_l = torch.tensor([x.size(3), x.size(2)] * 5, device=x.device)
# Decode the predictions
scores = scores[..., 1]
bboxes = self.decode_bboxes(bboxes, priors) * scale_b
landms = self.decode_landms(landms, priors) * scale_l
# Filter out bad predictions, then filter by strategy
filtered = self.filter_preds(scores, bboxes, landms)
landmarks, indices = self.take_by_strategy(*filtered)
# Stack landmarks across batch dim and reshape as coords
landmarks = landmarks.view(-1, 5, 2).cpu().numpy()
return landmarks, indices