Source code for glasses_detector.components.pred_interface

import json
import os
import pickle
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Collection, Iterable, overload

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ImageShow import IPythonViewer, _viewers
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..utils import FilePath, flatten, is_image_file
from .pred_type import Default, PredType, Scalar, StandardDefault

[docs] class PredInterface(ABC): """Interface for handling image-based predictions. This interface provides a common API for handling predictions (e.g. saving, loading, etc.) for all models. It also provides a common API for making predictions on images, directories, and files. Any class that inherits from this interface must implement the :meth:`predict` method. This method should take a single image path or a list of image paths and return a single prediction or a list of predictions, respectively. """
[docs] @staticmethod def save(pred: Default | dict[str, Default], filepath: FilePath): """Saves a prediction to a file. This method saves a prediction or a dictionary of named predictions to the provided file. The type of the file will be inferred automatically from the extension and will be saved accordingly. .. list-table:: Supported File Types :header-rows: 1 * - Extension - Format * - ``.txt`` - For a single prediction, it is flattened and saved as a single line separated by spaces. For a dictionary of predictions, each row contains the name of the prediction followed by the flattened prediction values separated by spaces (no header!). * - ``.csv`` - For a single prediction, it is flattened and saved as a single line separated by commas. For a dictionary of predictions, each row contains the name of the prediction followed by the flattened prediction values separated by commas (no header!). * - ``.json`` - For a single prediction, it is saved as a single JSON object. For a dictionary of predictions, each prediction is saved as a separate JSON object with the name of the prediction as the key. * - ``.yml``, ``.yaml`` - For a single prediction, it is saved as a single YAML object. For a dictionary of predictions, each prediction is saved as a separate YAML object with the name of the prediction as the key. * - ``.pkl`` - For a single prediction, it is saved as a single pickle object. For a dictionary of predictions, each prediction is saved as a separate pickle object with the name of the prediction as the key. * - ``.npy``, ``.npz`` - For a single prediction, it is saved as a single numpy array or scalar. For a dictionary of predictions, it is flattened to a 2D matrix where each row contains the name of the prediction followed by the flattened prediction values. For ``.npy``, :func:`` is used and for ``.npz``, :func:`numpy.savez_compressed` is used. * - ``.dat`` - For a single prediction, it is saved as a single numpy array or scalar using :meth:`numpy.ndarray.tofile`. For a dictionary of predictions, they are first flattened to a 2D matrix before saving. * - ``.jpg``, ``.jpeg``, ``.png``, ``.bmp``, ``.pgm``, ``.webp`` - For a single prediction, it is saved as an image. For a dictionary of predictions, each prediction is saved as a separate image with the name of the prediction as the file name. In the case of multiple predictions, all images are saved under directory called ``filepath``, just without an extension. Args: pred: The single prediction or a dictionary of predictions to save. filepath: The path to save the prediction(-s) to. Raises: ValueError: If the file type is not supported. """ def _standardize(pred) -> StandardDefault | dict[str, StandardDefault]: if isinstance(pred, dict): return {k: PredType.standardize(v) for k, v in pred.items()} else: return PredType.standardize(pred) def _as_numpy(pred) -> Scalar | np.ndarray: if PredType.is_scalar(pred): return pred elif isinstance(pred, dict): # Stack to single 2D matrix (flatten lists) names_col = np.array(list(pred.keys()))[:, None] vals_cols = np.stack( [ np.atleast_1d(flatten(PredType.standardize(v))) for v in pred.values() ] ) return np.hstack((names_col, vals_cols)) else: return np.array(PredType.standardize(pred)) if (dirname := os.path.dirname(filepath)) != "": # Directory to save the pred file to os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) # Get the extension of the file ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1] match ext: case ".txt": if PredType.is_scalar(pred): with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.write(str(pred)) else: # Save to .txt each row has image name and pred values np.savetxt(filepath, _as_numpy(pred), fmt="%s", delimiter=" ") case ".csv": if PredType.is_scalar(pred): with open(filepath, "w") as f: f.write(str(pred)) else: # Save to .csv each row has image name and pred values np.savetxt(filepath, _as_numpy(pred), fmt="%s", delimiter=",") case ".json": with open(filepath, "w") as f: json.dump(_standardize(pred), f) case ".yml" | ".yaml": try: import yaml except ImportError: raise ImportError( "PyYAML is required to save predictions to YAML files. " "Please install it using `pip install pyyaml`." ) with open(filepath, "w") as f: yaml.dump(_standardize(pred), f) case ".pkl": with open(filepath, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(pred, f) case ".npy":, _as_numpy(pred)) case ".npz": np.savez_compressed(filepath, _as_numpy(pred)) case ".dat": if isinstance(pred, dict): # Stack to 2D matrix pred = _as_numpy(pred) if isinstance(pred, Iterable): np.array(PredType.standardize(pred)).tofile(filepath) else: with open(filepath, "wb") as f: np.savetxt(f, PredType.standardize(pred)) case ".jpg" | ".jpeg" | ".png" | ".bmp" | ".pgm" | ".webp": if isinstance(pred, dict) and len(pred) > 1: dirname = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) warnings.warn( f"Cannot save multiple images to a single file " f"(prediction type is dict). All images (interpreted " f"from values) will be saved to {dirname} with " f"corresponding file names (interpreted from keys)." ) else: dirname = os.path.dirname(filepath) pred = {os.path.basename(filepath): pred} for name, img in pred.items(): if not isinstance(img, Image.Image): img = Image.fromarray(np.atleast_1d(PredType.standardize(img))), name)) case _: raise ValueError(f"Cannot save to {ext} file (not supported).")
@overload def predict( self, image: FilePath, **kwargs, ) -> Default: ... @overload def predict( self, image: Collection[FilePath], **kwargs, ) -> list[Default]: ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict( self, image: FilePath | Collection[FilePath], **kwargs, ): """Generates a prediction for the given image(-s). Takes a path to an image or a list of paths to images and returns a prediction or a list of predictions, respectively. Args: image (FilePath | typing.Collection[FilePath]): The path to an image or a list of paths to images to generate predictions for. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the prediction method. Returns: Default | list[Default]: The prediction or a list of predictions for the given image(-s). """ ...
@overload def process_file( self, input_path: FilePath, output_path: FilePath | None = None, ext: str | None = None, show: bool = False, **pred_kwargs, ) -> Default | None: ... @overload def process_file( self, input_path: Collection[FilePath], output_path: Collection[FilePath] | None = None, ext: str | None = None, show: bool = False, **pred_kwargs, ) -> list[Default | None]: ...
[docs] def process_file( self, input_path: FilePath | Collection[FilePath], output_path: FilePath | Collection[FilePath] | None = None, ext: str | None = None, show: bool = False, **pred_kwargs, ) -> Default | None | list[Default | None]: """Processes a single image or a list of images. Takes a path to the image or a list of paths to images, generates the prediction(-s), and returns them, based on how :meth:`.predict` behaves. If the output path is specified, the prediction(-s) will be saved to the given path(-s) based on the extension of the output path. The following cases are considered: 1. If ``output_path`` is :data:`None`, no predictions are saved. If there are multiple output paths (one for each input path) and some of the entries are :data:`None`, then only the outputs for the corresponding predictions are not be saved. 2. If the output path is a single file, then the predictions are saved to that file. If there are multiple input paths, then the corresponding predictions are aggregated to a single file. 3. If ``output_path`` is a directory, then the prediction(-s) are saved to that directory. For each input path, a corresponding file is created in the specified output directory with the same name as the input. The extension, if not provided as ``ext``, is set to ``.jpg`` for images and ``.txt`` for other predictions. 4. If ``output_path`` is a list of output paths, then the predictions are saved to the corresponding output paths. If the number of input paths and output paths do not match, then the number of predictions are be truncated or expanded with :data:`None` to match the number of input paths and a warning is raised. all the output paths are interpreted as files. For more details on how each file type is saved, regardless if it is a single prediction or the aggregated predictions, see :meth:`.save`. **NB**: aggregation of multiple images to a single file is different from that of :meth:`.process_dir` - here, the full paths are used as sample identifiers, unlike just the names of the images. Tip: If multiple images are provided (as a list of input paths), they are likely to be loaded into a single batch for a faster prediction (see :meth:`.predict` for more details), thus more memory is required than if they were processed individually. For this reason, consider not to pass too many images at once (e.g., <200). Note: If some input path does not lead to a valid image file, e.g., does not exist, its prediction is set to :data:`None`. Also, if at least one prediction fails, then all predictions are set to :data:`None`. In both cases, a warning is is raised and the files or the lines in the aggregated file are skipped (not saved). Args: input_path (FilePath | typing.Collection[FilePath]): The path to an image or a list of paths to images to generate predictions for. output_path (FilePath | typing.Collection[FilePath] | None, optional): The path to save the prediction(-s) to. If :data:`None`, no predictions are saved. If a single file, the predictions are aggregated (if multiple) and saved to that file. If a directory, the predictions are saved to that directory with the names copied from inputs. Defaults to :data:`None`. ext (str | None, optional): The extension to use for the output file(-s). Only used when ``output_path`` is a directory. If :data:`None`, the extension is set to ``".jpg"`` for images and ``".txt"`` for other predictions (depends on what is returned by :meth:`.predict` returns) For available options, refer to :meth:`.save`. Defaults to :data:`None`. show (bool, optional): Whether to show the predictions. Images will be shown using :meth:`` and other predictions will be printed to stdout. Defaults to :data:`False`. **pred_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to :meth:`.predict`. Returns: Default | None | list[Default | None]: The prediction or a list of predictions for the given image(-s). Any failed predictions will be set to :data:`None`. """ is_multiple = not isinstance(input_path, str) and isinstance( input_path, Collection ) input_paths = input_path if is_multiple else [input_path] safe_paths = [] for path in input_paths: if not is_image_file(path): # Raise a warning if not an image is passed; set to None warnings.warn(f"{input_path} is not an image. Skipping...") else: # Append to safe paths safe_paths.append(path) try: # Predict using the child method by passing the image paths preds = self.predict(safe_paths, **pred_kwargs) preds = [preds.pop(0) if p in safe_paths else None for p in input_paths] except Exception as e: # Raise a warning if prediction failed and return None warnings.warn(f"Prediction failed for {input_paths}. Skipping...\n{e}") return [None] * len(input_paths) if is_multiple else None if show: if len(_viewers) == 1 and isinstance(_viewers[0], IPythonViewer): try: from IPython import get_ipython # Only consider IPython if runtime is IPython is_viewer_available = get_ipython() is not None except ImportError: is_viewer_available = False else: # Check if any viewer is available is_viewer_available = len(_viewers) > 0 if ( any(isinstance(pred, Image.Image) for pred in preds) and not is_viewer_available ): warnings.warn( "Cannot show images because no image viewer is available. " "Please install the backend supported by Pillow, for " "example, on Debian-based systems, you can install:\n\n\t" "sudo apt-get install xdg-utils\n\nThe images will be " "saved as `pred-<index>.jpg` in the current directory." ) for i, pred in enumerate(preds): if not isinstance(pred, Image.Image): # To stdout print(pred) elif is_viewer_available: # Show image else: # Save image in current dir"pred-{i}.jpg") if output_path is None: # Output is None or a single file for multiple inputs output_paths = [None] * len(input_paths) elif not isinstance(output_path, str) and isinstance(output_path, Collection): # Output is a list of paths output_paths = output_path elif is_multiple and os.path.splitext(output_path)[1] != "": # Output is a single file for multiple inputs output_paths = [None] * len(input_paths) elif is_multiple: # Output is a dir for multiple inputs output_paths = [output_path] * len(input_paths) else: # Output is a single file for a single input output_paths = [output_path] if len(output_paths) != len(input_paths): warnings.warn( f"Number of output paths ({len(output_paths)}) does not match " f"the number of input paths ({len(input_paths)}). The number " f"of predictions will be truncated or expanded with 'Nones' " f"to match the number of input paths." ) while len(output_paths) < len(input_paths): # Append None to output paths output_paths.append(None) for inp, out, pred in zip(input_paths, output_paths, preds): if pred is None or out is None: continue if (split_path := os.path.splitext(out))[1] == "": if (_ext := ext) is None: # Automatically determine the extension if not given _ext = ".jpg" if isinstance(pred, Image.Image) else ".txt" # Output path is dir so input path filename is used no_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inp))[0] out = os.path.join(split_path[0], no_ext + _ext) # Save pred to file, out) if ( is_multiple and isinstance(output_path, (str, bytes, os.PathLike)) and os.path.splitext(output_path)[1] != "" ): # Output path is a single file for multiple inputs safe_preds = { path: pred for path, pred in zip(input_paths, preds) if path in safe_paths }, output_path) return preds if is_multiple else preds[0]
[docs] def process_dir( self, input_path: FilePath, output_path: FilePath | None = None, ext: str | None = None, batch_size: int = 1, show: bool = False, pbar: bool | str | tqdm = True, update_total: bool = True, **pred_kwargs, ) -> dict[str, Default | None] | None: """Processes a directory of images. Takes a path to a directory of images, optionally sub-groups to batches, generates the predictions for every image and returns them if ``output_path`` is :data:`None` or saves them to a specified file or as files to a specified directory. The following cases are considered: 1. If ``output_path`` is :data:`None`, the predictions are returned as a dictionary of predictions where the keys are the names of the images and the values are the corresponding predictions. 2. If ``output_path`` is a single file, the predictions are aggregated to a single file. 3. If ``output_path`` is a directory, the predictions are saved to that directory. For each input path, a corresponding file is created in the specified output directory with the same name as the input. The extension, if not provided as ``ext``, is set automatically as explained in :meth:`.process_file`. For more details on how each file type is saved, regardless if it is a single prediction or the aggregated predictions, see :meth:`.save`. **NB**: aggregation of images to a single file/dictionary is different from that of :meth:`.process_file` (when multiple file paths are passed) - here, only the names of the images are used as keys, unlike the full paths. Tip: For *very large* directories, consider specifying ``output_path`` as a directory because aggregating the predictions to a single file or waiting for them to be returned might consume too much memory and lead to errors. Note: Any files in the input directory that are not valid images or those for which the prediction fails for any reason are are simply skipped and a warning is raised - for more details, see :meth:`.process_file`. Args: input_path (FilePath): The path to a directory of images to generate predictions for. output_path (FilePath | None, optional): The path to save the prediction(-s) to. If :data:`None`, the predictions are returned as a dictionary, if a single file, the predictions are aggregated to a single file, and if a directory, the predictions are saved to that directory with the names copied from inputs. Defaults to :data:`None`. ext (str | None, optional): The extension to use for the output file(-s). Only used when ``output_path`` is a directory. The extension should include a leading dot, e.g., ``".txt"``, ``".npy"``, ``".jpg"`` etc (see :meth:`.save`). If :data:`None`, the behavior follows :meth:`.process_file`. Defaults to :data:`None`. batch_size (int, optional): The batch size to use when processing the images. This groups the files in the specified directory to batches of size ``batch_size`` before processing them. In some cases, larger batch sizes can speed up the processing at the cost of more memory usage. Defaults to ``1``. show (bool, optional): Whether to show the predictions. Images will be shown using :meth:`` and other predictions will be printed to stdout. It is not recommended to set this to :data:`True` as it might spam your stdout. Defaults to :data:`False`. pbar (bool | str | tqdm.tqdm, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. If :data:`True`, a progress bar with no description is shown. If :class:`str`, a progress bar with the given description is shown. If an instance of :class:`~tqdm.tqdm`, it is used as is. Defaults to :data:`True`. update_total (bool, optional): Whether to update the total number of files in the progress bar. This is only relevant if ``pbar`` is an instance of :class:`~tqdm.tqdm`. For example, if the number of total files is already known and captured by :attr:``, then there is no need to update it. Defaults to :data:`True`. **pred_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to :meth:`.predict`. Returns: dict[str, Default | None] | None: The dictionary of predictions if ``output_path`` is :data:`None` or :data:`None` if ``output_path`` is specified. """ if isinstance(pbar, bool) and pbar: # No desc pbar = "" if isinstance(pbar, str): # Create a progress bar with the given description pbar = tqdm(desc=pbar, total=0, unit="file") update_total = True if isinstance(pbar, tqdm) and update_total: # Update the total number of files in pbar += len(os.listdir(input_path)) # Check if the predictions should be aggregated to is_agg = output_path is None or os.path.splitext(output_path)[1] != "" pred_dict = {} if is_agg else None # Create a list of file batches to process (bs is 1 by default) files = [entry.path for entry in os.scandir(input_path) if entry.is_file()] files = [files[i : i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(files), batch_size)] for input_paths in files: if is_agg: # Predictions will be aggregated to a single file output_paths = None elif ext is None: # Set output path to a dir (ext will be automatic) output_paths = [output_path] * len(input_paths) else: # Create full output paths by replacing the ext output_paths = [ os.path.join( output_path, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0] + ext, ) for p in input_paths ] # Get the predictions for the batch (some may be None) preds = self.process_file( input_path=input_paths, output_path=output_paths, show=show, **pred_kwargs, ) if is_agg: # Store safe predictions only if aggregation is needed pred_dict.update( { os.path.basename(path): pred for path, pred in zip(input_paths, preds) if pred is not None } ) if pbar: # Update the progress bar pbar.update(len(input_paths)) if output_path is None: return pred_dict if is_agg: # Save aggregated predictions to a single file, output_path)