import inspect
import os
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from typing import (
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms.v2.functional import normalize, to_dtype, to_image
from ..utils import FilePath, copy_signature, eval_infer_mode, is_path_type, is_url
from .pred_interface import PredInterface
from .pred_type import Default
class BaseGlassesModel(PredInterface):
"""Base class for all glasses models.
Base class with common functionality, i.e., prediction and weight
loading methods, that should be inherited by all glasses models.
Child classes must implement :meth:`.create_model` method which
should return the model architecture based on :attr:`.model_info`
which is a dictionary containing the model name and the release
version. The dictionary depends on the model's :attr:`kind` and
:attr:`size`, both of which are used when creating an instance.
An instance can be created by providing a custom model instead of
creating a predefined one, see :meth:`from_model`.
When ``weights`` is :data:`True`, the URL of the weights to
be downloaded from will be constructed automatically based on
:attr:`model_info`. According to
:func:`~torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url`, first,
the corresponding weights will be checked if they are already
present in the hub cache, which by default is
``~/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints``, and, if they are not,
the weight will be downloaded there and then loaded.
To train the actual model parameters, i.e., the model of type
:class:`torch.nn.Module`, retrieve it using the :attr:`model`
task (str): The task the model is built for. Used when
automatically constructing URL to download the weights from.
kind (str): The kind of the model. Used to access
size (str): The size of the model. Used to access
weights (bool | str | None, optional): Whether to load the
pre-trained weights from a custom URL (or a local file if
they're already downloaded) which will be inferred based on
model's :attr:`task`, :attr:`kind`, and :attr:`size`. If a
string is provided, it will be used as a path or a URL
(determined automatically) to the model weights. Defaults to
device (str | torch.device | None, optional): Device to cast the
model to (once it is loaded). If specified as :data:`None`,
it will be automatically checked if
`CUDA <>`_ or
`MPS <>`_
is supported. Defaults to :data:`None`.
task: str
kind: str
size: str
weights: bool | str | None = False
device: str | torch.device | None = None
model: nn.Module = field(init=False, repr=False)
BASE_WEIGHTS_URL: ClassVar[str] = (
typing.ClassVar[str]: The base URL to download the weights from.
ALLOWED_SIZE_ALIASES: ClassVar[set[str]] = {
"small": {"small", "little", "s"},
"medium": {"medium", "normal", "m"},
"large": {"large", "big", "l"},
typing.ClassVar[set[str]]: The set of allowed sizes and their
aliases for the model. These are used to convert an alias to a
standard size when accessing :attr:`.model_info` . Available aliases
| Small | Medium | Large |
| ``small``, ``little``, ``s`` | ``medium``, ``normal``, ``m``, | ``large``, ``big``, ``l`` |
Any case is acceptable, for example, **Small** can be specified
as ``"small"``, ``"S"``, ``"SMALL"``, ``"Little"``, etc.
:meta hide-value:
DEFAULT_SIZE_MAP: ClassVar[dict[str, dict[str, str]]] = {
"<size>": {"name": "<architecture-name>", "version": "<version>"}
typing.ClassVar[dict[str, dict[str, str]]]: The default size map
from the size of the model to the model info dictionary which
contains the name of the architecture and the version of the weights
release. This is just a helper component for
:attr:`DEFAULT_KIND_MAP` because each default kind has the same set
of default models.
.. code-block:: python
>>> [info["name"] for info in DEFAULT_SIZE_MAP.values()]
# list of all the available architectures
:meta hide-value:
DEFAULT_KIND_MAP: ClassVar[dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, str]]]] = {
typing.ClassVar[dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, str]]]]: The default
map from model :attr:`kind` and :attr:`size` to the model info
dictionary. The model info is used to construct the URL to download
the weights from. The nested dictionary has 3 levels which
are expected to be as follows:
1. ``kind`` - the kind of the model
2. ``size`` - the size of the model
3. ``info`` - the model info, i.e., ``"name"`` and ``"version"``
.. code-block:: python
>>> DEFAULT_KIND_MAP["<kind>"]["<size>"]
{'name': '<architecture-name>', 'version': '<release-version>'}
:meta hide-value:
def __post_init__(self):
# Get the model name and create it
model_name = self.model_info["name"]
self.model = self.create_model(model_name)
except KeyError:
# Raise model info warning
except ValueError:
# Raise model init (structure construction) warning
message = f"Model structure named {model_name} does not exist. "
if self.device is None and torch.cuda.is_available():
# Set device to CUDA if available
self.device = torch.device("cuda")
elif self.device is None and torch.backends.mps.is_available():
# Set device to MPS if available
self.device = torch.device("mps")
elif self.device is None:
# Set device to CPU by default
self.device = torch.device("cpu")
if self.weights:
# Load weights if True or path is specified
# Cast to device
def model_info(self) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Model info property.
This contains the information about the model used (e.g.,
architecture and weights). By default, it should have 2 fields:
``"name"`` and ``"version"``, both of which are used when
initializing the architecture and looking for pretrained weights
(see :meth:`load_weights`).
This is the default implementation which accesses
:attr:`DEFAULT_KIND_MAP` based on :attr:`kind` and
:attr:`size`. Child classes can override either
:attr:`DEFAULT_KIND_MAP` or this property itself for a
custom dictionary.
dict[str, str]: The model info dictionary with 2 fields -
``"name"`` and ``"version"`` which allow to construct model
architecture and download the pretrained model weights, if
match self.size.lower():
case alias if alias in self.ALLOWED_SIZE_ALIASES["small"]:
# Set to small
size = "small"
case alias if alias in self.ALLOWED_SIZE_ALIASES["medium"]:
# Set to medium
size = "medium"
case alias if alias in self.ALLOWED_SIZE_ALIASES["large"]:
# Set to large
size = "large"
case _:
# Don't change
size = self.size
return self.DEFAULT_KIND_MAP.get(self.kind, {}).get(size, {})
def create_model(self, model_name: str) -> nn.Module:
"""Creates the model architecture.
Takes the name of the model architecture and returns the
corresponding model instance.
model_name (str): The name of the model architecture to
create. For available architectures, see the class
description (**Size Information** table) or
torch.nn.Module: The model instance with the corresponding
ValueError: If the architecture for the model name is not
implemented or is not valid.
def from_model(cls, model: nn.Module, **kwargs) -> Self:
"""Creates a glasses model from a custom :class:`torch.nn.Module`.
Creates a glasses model wrapper for a custom provided
:class:`torch.nn.Module`, instead of creating a predefined
one based on :attr:`kind` and :attr:`size`.
Make sure the provided model's ``forward`` method behaves as
expected, i.e., returns the prediction in expected format
for compatibility with :meth:`predict`.
:attr:`model_info` property will not be useful as it would
return an empty dictionary for custom specified :attr:`kind`
and :attr:`size` (if specified at all).
model (torch.nn.Module): The custom model that will be
assigned as :attr:`model`.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the constructor;
check the documentation of this class for more details.
If ``task``, ``kind``, and ``size`` are not provided,
they will be set to ``"custom"``. If the model
architecture is custom, you may still specify the path
to the pretrained wights via ``weights`` argument.
Finally, if ``device`` is not provided, the model will
remain on the same device as is.
typing.Self: The glasses model wrapper of the same class
type from which this method was called for the provided
custom model.
# Set default values for class args
kwargs.setdefault("task", "custom")
kwargs.setdefault("kind", "custom")
kwargs.setdefault("size", "custom")
kwargs.setdefault("device", device := next(iter(model.parameters())).device)
# Weights will be handled after instantiation
weights = kwargs.get("weights", False)
kwargs["weights"] = False
# Filter out the arguments that are not for the model init
is_init = { f.init for f in fields(cls)}
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if is_init[k]}
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Ignore warnings from model init
glasses_model = cls(**kwargs)
# Assign the actual model
glasses_model.model = model
if weights := kwargs.get("weights", False):
# Load weights if `weights` is True or a path
# Cast to device
return glasses_model
def predict(
image: FilePath | Image.Image | np.ndarray,
format: (
Callable[[Any], Default] | Callable[[Image.Image, Any], Default]
) = lambda x: str(x),
input_size: tuple[int, int] | None = (256, 256),
) -> Default: ...
def predict(
image: Collection[FilePath | Image.Image | np.ndarray],
format: (
Callable[[Any], Default] | Callable[[Image.Image, Any], Default]
) = lambda x: str(x),
input_size: tuple[int, int] | None = (256, 256),
) -> list[Default]: ...
def predict(
image: (
| Image.Image
| np.ndarray
| Collection[FilePath | Image.Image | np.ndarray]
format: (
Callable[[Any], Default] | Callable[[Image.Image, Any], Default]
) = lambda x: str(x),
input_size: tuple[int, int] | None = (256, 256),
) -> Default | list[Default]:
"""Predicts based on the model specified by the child class.
Takes a path or multiple paths to image files or the loaded
images themselves and outputs a formatted prediction generated
by the child class.
This method expects that :meth:`forward` always returns an
:class:`~typing.Iterable` of any type of predictions
(typically, they would be of type :class:`~torch.Tensor`),
even if there is only one prediction. Likewise,
:class:`~torch.Tensor` representing a batch of loaded images
is passed to :meth:`forward` when generating those
If the image is provided as :class:`numpy.ndarray`, make
sure the last dimension specifies the channels, i.e., last
dimension should be of size ``1`` or ``3``. If it is
anything else, e.g., if the shape is ``(3, H, W)``, where
``W`` is neither ``1`` nor ``3``, this would be interpreted
as 3 grayscale images.
.. seealso::
image (FilePath | PIL.Image.Image | numpy.ndarray | typing.Collection[FilePath | PIL.Image.Image | numpy.ndarray]):
The path(-s) to the image to generate the prediction for
or the image(-s) itself represented as
:class:`Image.Image` or as a :class:`numpy.ndarray`.
Note that the image should have values between 0 and 255
and be of RGB format. Normalization is not needed as the
channels will be automatically normalized before passing
through the network.
format (typing.Callable[[typing.Any], Default] | (typing.Callable[[PIL.Image.Image, typing.Any], Default], optional):
Format callback. This is a custom function that takes
the predicted elements from the iterable output of
:meth:`forward` (elements are usually of type
:class:`~torch.Tensor`) as input or the original image
and its prediction as inputs (it will be determined
automatically which function it is) and outputs a
formatted prediction of type :attr:`Default`. Defaults
to ``lambda x: str(x)``.
input_size (tuple[int, int] | None, optional): The size
(width, height), or ``(W, H)``, to resize the image to
before passing it through the network. If :data:`None`,
the image will not be resized. It is recommended to
resize it to the size the model was trained on, which by
default is ``(256, 256)``. Defaults to ``(256, 256)``.
Default | list[Default]: The formatted prediction or a list
of formatted predictions if multiple images were provided.
# Init mean + std (default from albumentations) and others
mean, std = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
device = next(iter(self.model.parameters())).device
xs, preds, is_multiple = [], [], True
# Warning: if the image has shape (3, H, W),
# it will be interpreted as 3 grayscale images
if (is_path_type(image) or isinstance(image, Image.Image)) or (
isinstance(image, np.ndarray)
and (image.ndim == 2 or (image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[-1] in [1, 3]))
# Single image
image = [image]
is_multiple = False
if require_original := (len(inspect.signature(format).parameters) == 2):
# Init original images
original_images = []
for img in image:
if isinstance(img, (str, bytes, os.PathLike)):
# Load from the path and ensure RGB
img ="RGB")
elif isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
# Convert to PIL image and ensure RGB
img = Image.fromarray(img).convert("RGB")
if require_original:
# Keep track of original
if input_size is not None:
# Resize the image
img = img.resize(input_size)
# Convert to tensor, normalize; add to xs
x = to_dtype(to_image(img), scale=True)
xs.append(normalize(x, mean=mean, std=std))
with eval_infer_mode(self.model):
# Stack and cast to device; perform forward pass
pred = self.forward(torch.stack(xs).to(device))
for i, pred in enumerate(pred):
if require_original:
# Format prediction with original image
preds.append(format(original_images[i], pred))
# Append formatted prediction
return preds if is_multiple else preds[0]
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Iterable[Any]:
"""Performs forward pass.
Calls the forward method of the inner :attr:`model`, by passing
a batch of images as its first argument.
If this method is used during inference, make sure to set
the model to evaluation mode and enable
:class:`~torch.inference_mode`, e.g., via
:class:`.eval_infer_mode` decorator/context manager.
The default :meth:`predict` that uses this method assumes an
input is a batch of images of type :class:`~torch.Tensor`
and the output can be anything that is
:class:`~typing.Iterable`, e.g., a :class:`~torch.Tensor`.
In case of a custom inner :attr:`model` (e.g., if the
instance was created using :meth:`from_model`) that does not
accept a tensor representing a batch of images as its first
argument, this method will not work, in which case
:meth:`predict` will also not work.
.. seealso::
x: A batch of images - a :class:`~torch.Tensor` of shape
``(N, C, H, W)`` with normalized pixel values between
``0`` and ``1``.
An iterable of predictions (one for each input). Usually, it
is a :class:`~torch.Tensor` with the first dimension of size
``N`` which is the batch size of the original input.
return self.model(x)
def load_weights(self, path_or_url: str | bool = True):
"""Loads inner :attr:`model` weights.
Takes a path of a URL to the weights file, or :data:`True` to
construct the URL automatically based on :attr:`model_info` and
loads the weights into :attr:`model`.
If the weights are already downloaded, they will be loaded
from the hub cache, which by default is
If the fields in :attr:`model_info` are not recognized,
e.g., by providing an unrecognized :attr:`kind` or
:attr:`size` or by initializing with :meth:`from_model`,
this method will not be able to construct the URL (if
``path_or_url`` is :data:`True`) and will raise a warning.
path_or_url (str | bool, optional): The path or the URL (it
will be inferred automatically) to the model weights
(``.pth`` file). It can also be :class:`bool`, in which
case :data:`True` indicates to construct ``URL`` for the
pre-trained weights and :data:`False` does nothing.
Defaults to :data:`True`.
if isinstance(path_or_url, bool) and path_or_url:
# Get model name and release version
name = self.model_info["name"]
version = self.model_info["version"]
except KeyError:
# Raise model info warning for not constructing URL
message = "Path/URL to weights cannot be constructed. "
if self.size.lower() in self.ALLOWED_SIZE_ALIASES["large"]:
raise NotImplementedError("Large models are not supported yet")
# Construct weights URL from base URL and model info
weights_name = f"{self.task}_{self.kind}_{name}.pth"
path_or_url = f"{self.BASE_WEIGHTS_URL}/{version}/{weights_name}"
elif isinstance(path_or_url, bool):
if self.model is None:
# Raise model init warning for not loading weights
message = "Cannot load weights for the unspecified model. "
if is_url(path_or_url):
# Get weights from download path (and download if needed)
weights = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(
# Load weights from local path
weights = torch.load(path_or_url, map_location=self.device)
# Actually load the weights
if self.device is not None:
# Cast model to device
def _model_info_warning(self, message: str = ""):
f"{message}Model info (name and release version) not found for the "
f"specified configuration: {self.task=} {self.kind=} {self.size=}."
def _model_init_warning(self, message: str = ""):
f"{message}Model is not initialized. Try assigning a custom model "
f"via `self.model` attribute, for instance, create a custom model "
f"using `GlassesModel.create_model` and assign it."
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.predict(*args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
model = BaseGlassesModel(